Company's Profile
HEVTA was established since 1997 by a group of uPVC expert, which was the very first era of uPVC business. HEVTA was formed as a company in 2003 with registered capital of THB 30 million with over 100 employees.

HEVTA is the best quality uPVC products for home decorations. With over 9 product categories which are windows and doors, glass houses, gazeboes, skylights, canopies, insect screens, fences and railings, pergolas, shades, and lattices. These product ranges are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use e.g. doors, windows, gates, sliding doors, folding doors, glass doors, sliding windows, awning windows, and other types of windows. HEVTA was the first Glass Houses manufacturer and also carried the most variety of on-hand product ranges to satisfy customer’ needs. Apart from product variety HEVTA never forget to serve “Quality” together with all HEVTA products and services. Services provided by HEVTA are HEVTA-to-Customer, assembled and install by HEVTA. All kinds of products and services from HEVTA are therefore trustful and full of quality.

With over 13 years of experience in uPVC for home decoration business, we are growing every year. Ranges of product and service were increased, apart from Windows and Doors, HEVTA also has uPVC Glass Houses, uPVC Gazeboes, uPVC Skylights, uPVC Canopies, uPVC Fences, uPVC Railings, uPVC Lattices, uPVC Shades, and Insect Screens to satisfy all needs for home decoration styles. HEVTA has always developed its designs and product variety to fresh up the market. With out popularity, our uPVC products demand were increased surprisingly every year in every area of Thailand. HEVTA is lately exported uPVC products internationally.
HEVTA emphasized on add up the value to uPVC Products under the brand of "HEVTA". Starts from providing premium-grade raw materials, fine production and assemble processes for better outcome as a quality products installed at our customer residences.
Presents quality and variety designs of uPVC Prouducts to the right target with warmth and sincere services.
1. Produce and seek for high quality uPVC raw material from trustable sources at the right requirement.
2. Build differentiation of uPVC Products with newly launched technologies and innovations.
3. Develop uPVC System hi technology for better efficiency.
4.Develop employee is ability in uPVC fields and be able to service with confidence and sincere.
Contact us
HEVTA will be happy to answer all your questions and inquiries. We will take any suggestions you may have into consideration in order to further improve our products and services
"HEVTA – Healthy Engineering Vinyl Technology Advantage"